Summer time

... in the valley named Altmühltal

The city of Eichstätt, centrally located in the nature park Altmühltal, invites all friends of walking to discover the unique landscape around this baroque town which is the spiritual centre of the whole district, too. More information about our offers and services can be found here.

Guest reviews

We want you to feel in good hands at...

...Hotel Adler ★★★s. You can help us by give us feedback about our hotel and our services. Your guest review, positive or negative, is the only way for us to review and improve the quality of our services all the time.

Our wish is to have happy guests in our hotel! That's why your feedback is so important to us! We look always forward to get constructive criticism, but of course also a praise. Thank you very much for your time!

You can send us your feedback in the following ways: